Make Money: 2 Ways:

By your own LABORS...
By your own IDEAS

THE FIRST WAY you can make money: "BY YOUR OWN LABORS":

1) About charging the customer:
* Charge by an estimate for the whole project: be fair, but MAKE A PROFIT!
* Charge by the hour: ASK around your area what they charge per hour, then go below that amount.
* Charge by the number of rods used, PLUS a minimum charge.
(EXAMPLE: $5 per rod, plus $20 minimum charge)(adjust pricing for the current market).

2) Advertise:
* Newspaper.
* Create a website for yourself. (See "How I did this site" via the "Navbar" at left).
* Craigslist: under "services": Anyone that emails you is ALREADY wanting a job done!
* Buy a stick-on magnetic sign to advertise your services: Keep it SHORT: What you provide & how to contact you.
* Create your own business card. (see mine below).

3) Be fair / Be honest / Delight them by going the extra mile!

4) Take at least one quarter of a welding class for direct supervision. (Unless you're already a decent welder!).

5) Got a good idea? Make a quick $25 by entering my "Idea of The Month" contest: (SEE "SECOND WAY TO MAKE MONEY", below my business card)

My Business Card above



Send me YOUR welding ideas!
* Tips and tricks that work for you.
* All related subjects: welding, cutting, building, etc.
* I will post each month's best idea on the website.
* Honorable Mentions are also posted.

I will review each entry, then after the last day of each month, I'll pick the winner and the Honorable Mentions.
* No prizes for honorable mentions.
* If there are more than 1 that are the same idea, I'll reward the one that I received first.
* If I notify you that you won, I'll need your full name, etc, to send the money.
*I will only post your first name and your city & country for your privacy, unless you request otherwise.
* The winner gets $50 U.S. Dollars!
* One entry per month per person.
* You can enter every month if you wish!
* If you have drawings or pictures, email me directly:
( ) with your attachment.

Just use the entry form below:

Idea of The Month Contest

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Consider these thoughts:
* Found a unique way to hold things in place for welding?
* Have a great design for a welding table?
* Did you CREATE a useful or fun project?
* ANY idea related to welding subjects, send it in & Make Money!

This is supposed to be your idea!

* The winner gets $50 U.S. Dollars!*

If there is good participation in this contest:
I will INCREASE the reward money later on!!

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